AI Chatbot

With an 80% automatic reply rate, consumers no longer have to wait

Easy to Build

Build Your Own AI Chatbots in mins

AI Chatbots Trained on Your Own Data

Combine your past knowledge base data with the capabilities of OpenAI models to generate responses that resonate with your brand

Reflect your brand

Ensure your chatbot reflects your brand's style effortlessly.

Build your custom AI chatbot powered by OpenAI GPT-3.5

Name your chatbot

Craft a personalized greeting, and define its role. Train it to respond in line with your preferences, and establish engagement rules—all with ease.

Connect your knowledge sources

Integrate your chatbot with internal knowledge sources for personalized responses. Ensure precise responses to questions, eliminate off-topic discussions and prevent misleading answers

Securely Publish your chatbot

Instant Answers from Diverse Sources. AI Chatbot ingests content seamlessly from various sources including Files, Mailbox, Zendesk help center and any public URL